14th Round Table - "Sustainable Austria"

Sustainable use of resources and changes in society.

„Live well and consume less. Sustainable use of resources and changes in society."

This was the basic topic of the 14th "Round Table Sustainable Austria" on January 19 and 20, 2009 at the Hotel Althof at Retz.

The 60 participants of this event composed a common painting on the first day. At first Mr. Thomas Steiner (Province of Lower Austria) introduced to them soil colour artist Ms. Irena Racek, who introduced them afterwards to the art of Painting with the Colours of the Earth. In proper style with respect to the site of the event, a town formed by viticulture, used wine corks and empty bottles of wine were used for stamping. Also crushed tartar and small-cut vines were used. The earth pigments from Lower Austrian soils were bound with eggs, and from curd a really environment-friendly glue was produced.

In the evening, the finished piece of art was handed over to Landesrat Josef Plank as a gift in the wine cellar of the Althof at Retz.

Extract from the program:

The shortening of resources and climate change urgently require a different use of resouces. However, how can rethinking be achieved?

Which starting points are there, to support changes in society in respect of a lifestyle saving resources?

The 14th Round Table shall throw light on a sustainable use of resources from different perspectives, with the target to discover individual starting points for a change, to develop strategies of action which have an impact on society, and to find out political possibilites of directions.

Good examples from practice and theoretical reflections give incentives, which shall be discussed in depth in small groups.


Association BIENE
(Boden- Bioenergie- und Nachhaltigkeits Netzwerk NÖ|EU)

Ing. Klemens Rybaczek
Braiten 5
A-3153 Eschenau
Email: office@biene-netzwerk.at

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